Filters: Career Focused


The Future Is Hybrid: How to Use Business Storytelling to Effectively Connect With Everyone, Everywhere

Hybrid work is here to stay — and that’s not just anecdotal watercooler conversation. Microsoft’s 2021 Work Trend Index, a study of over 30,000 people ...Continue Reading

It’s Time to Reframe Soft Skills as Power Skills

It’s time for business leaders to appreciate the impact of soft skills on the bottom line. There’s hidden gold in the nontechnical skills that can ...Continue Reading

The Deep Dark Secrets of Poor Communication Within Your Organization

Poor communication costs businesses millions. David Grossman reports the average cost of inadequate communication — to and between employees — is $62.4 million per year ...Continue Reading

Storytelling Beyond PowerPoint: How Great Storytelling Skills Translate Across the Business

How Great Communication Skills Translate to More Than Just Presentations Storytelling, as you’ve probably heard, is one of the most powerful tools businesspeople can harness. But, ...Continue Reading

Checklist: 7 Must-haves When Presenting to Executives

Presenting to executives can feel daunting. But with these tips, you’ll be prepared to present confidently and persuasively. Presenting to executives can be a make-or-break moment ...Continue Reading

The REAL Reason You Lose Your Audience When You Present Data

Data plays an increasingly critical role in today’s business world. It adds credibility to your ideas, quantifies the work you do, and validates the solutions ...Continue Reading

3 Data Skills You Need to Thrive Today

Everyone nowadays is “data-driven,” secretly aspiring to be a data scientist, the “hottest job of the 21st century.” But the challenge today isn’t being data-driven ...Continue Reading

How to Survive the 5 Worst-Case Presentation Scenarios

We've all been there. You've spent weeks preparing to deliver a hugely important proposal. You’ve put in hours of time researching the care-abouts of every ...Continue Reading