Filters: HR/L&D


How Meta Got 95% Engagement with Its On-Demand Storytelling Program

If you feel like life demands too much of you, you’re not alone. According to one 2020 study, 60% of Americans feel “significant daily stress.” ...Continue Reading

Finding Communications Training That’s Going to Stick

How often do employees in your organization engage with L&D? Quarterly? During compliance season? Only when something new and interesting comes up? How often do employees ...Continue Reading

Storytelling Beyond PowerPoint: How Great Storytelling Skills Translate Across the Business

How Great Communication Skills Translate to More Than Just Presentations Storytelling, as you’ve probably heard, is one of the most powerful tools businesspeople can harness. But, ...Continue Reading

Hybrid is Here to Stay: Here’s What You Need to Know

By now, it’s no secret that the future of work is hybrid. Right now, 45% of white-collar workers in the U.S. work fully or partially ...Continue Reading

Don’t Make Training One More Source of Wasted Company Time

If employees appear unproductive — like they don’t have enough time to do their job — it’s often because their time is being used inefficiently. ...Continue Reading

3 Data Skills You Need to Thrive Today

Everyone nowadays is “data-driven,” secretly aspiring to be a data scientist, the “hottest job of the 21st century.” But the challenge today isn’t being data-driven ...Continue Reading

How to Survive the 5 Worst-Case Presentation Scenarios

We've all been there. You've spent weeks preparing to deliver a hugely important proposal. You’ve put in hours of time researching the care-abouts of every ...Continue Reading